Almost all my software is libre. Stand-alone applications tend to use the GNU General Public License, and libraries the BSD license (to be precise, the more friendly modified BSD license). If you don’t like a particular licence, contact me and I’ll probably be able to help you.
More stuff not mentioned here is on GitHub. See also Miscellaneous utilities.
- Ursa, my in-development simple modern language that will not change once it reaches version 1.
- Linton, the simple web site builder that I use for most of my web sites (and hopefully soon for this one!).
- Nancy, the simple macro expander, which Linton usese.
- WinColl, a simple action–puzzle rocks-and-diamonds game.
- [Chambercourt][], the simple 2D tile-based game framework on top of pygame.
- syms (formerly known as “occurs”) counts occurrences of each symbol (e.g. words) in a file.
- woger releases programs automatically to SourceForge, GitHub &c., and announces them on Freecode.
- FUSE, some FUSE hacks in Perl.
- Wiklet, the wiki that is DarkGlass’s ancestor.
- Muckabout, a text adventure game.
- My pForth portable Forth compiler (runs on the Beetle VM).
- The very old-school may be interested in my RISC OS programs.
Research and (un)development
Including Mit, Mite, Beetle (and my other Forth work) and Tau.
Utilities for document formatting
Last updated 2025/02/09