
bones was my internet firewall and LAN router from 15th January 2004 to 31st January 2005. It is mostly made from bits of Basil Rose’s old computer. It would be nice to smarten it up by putting it in an aquarium, though the cardboard box was a case of champagne (thanks to Catherine for the idea as well as the picture).

I’m afraid this picture makes you look like a computer geek. And it reminds me of a certain person who once sent me a random fan e-mail and was soon afterwards found by Google hugging his computer. In all cases it’s not a good sign. Hurry up with the aquarium; it will improve matters no end. E

I haven’t got an aquarium yet, but I got close: in Clapham Junction in 2007, where bones ran from early February to 18th July 2007, I installed it in a glass hifi cabinet.

Last updated 2017/05/11